Northampton Community College
3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Directions to Northampton Community College Main Campus
From North, East or West: Find your best route to Rt. 22. Take the Rt. 191 exit.
At end of ramp, turn right onto Rt. 191 north. One tenth of a mile from the exit
ramp, turn RIGHT onto Brodhead Road (before the Brodhead Road stoplight). Follow
Brodhead until you come to a stop sign, turn right onto Hecktown Road. Proceed
past the Hecktown Road Entrance and turn left onto Green Pond Road - the Green
Pond Road Entrance to the campus will be on your right. As soon as you enter
bear left towards the parking lots. The street address for Main Campus
is: 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA 18020.
Phone: 610-861-5300
From South:
Take 309 North to 378 North to 22 East. Follow directions above.
Take Turnpike North to Rte 22 East (Exit 33), Follow directions above.
View Main Campus Map to find the theatre. The Lipken Theater is # 15
on the map. It is located in Kopecek Hall. Main entrance is
opposite the parking lots.
From Rt 78 at Rt 33, Take 33 N to William Penn Highway Exit. Make Left at exit ramp light. About 1 mile make Right onto Oakland Street. College will be on right.