Flood Resource Center
A project of the Student Leadership Program

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Raingarden in front of Hannig Children's Center, Monroe Campus

"Before" - Downspout and Garden Site                Constructing Retaining Wall

Grading                                                                      Adding Sand to Soil Increases Water Infiltration

Installing Donated Plants                                       Rerouting Rain Gutter to Garden

Finished Raingarden

Raingarden Construction Crew:
Reed Fish, RDF Home Renovations
J.P. Page
Brandon Reed
James Schaffroth

Advice and Support:
Mary Pat Appel, Penn State Cooperative Extension
Vinne Cotrone, Penn State Cooperative Extension
Roy Chau, Maintenance, Monroe Campus
Matt Connell, Monroe Campus Dean
Paul DeBarry, Borton Lawson Engineering
Faye Freer, Hannig Children's Center Manager
Brian Post, Assistant Director, Operations and Maintenance
Jason Smith, Hanover Engineering

Plant Donations:
Chestnut Hill Nursery
Edge of the Woods Nursery
Werkheiser Nursery

Map Directions to Monroe Campus
The rain garden is located outside the Hannig Children's Center, that's letter "C" on the map.

Text Directions to Monroe Campus.

Raingarden Links

Rain Gardens of West Michigan - Before Starting

Edgewood College Natural Science Department - 10 Steps to Building a Rain Garden

U. Conn Cooperative Extension - Water Quality and the Home Landscape

Rain Garden Network - All About Rain Gardens